“One Primal Cause”
In this week’s Bible Lesson, “God the Only Cause and Creator,” we read from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, “There is but one primal cause.” (p. 207:20)
In the January 24, 1948 Sentinel article “No Cause Other Than God,” Mary V. Tucker Wilson writes:
“It is a generally conceded fact that God is infinite and the creator of the universe, including man. God being infinite, All, He must be the only cause or creator, for there can be no allness without oneness, and it is therefore clearly discernible that cause and effect are in and of God, infinite good.”
What is more, Duncan Sinclair writes in the May 1922 Journal editorial “The One Primal Cause”:
“As soon as one commences the study of Christian Science he is carried straight to the beginning of things. He is not asked to contemplate the latest electronic theory of matter or to speculate on its possible relationship to the material senses; neither is he asked to follow the speculations of the various philosophical schools from or before Plato to the revolutionary teaching of Einstein as applied to modern philosophy today; rather is he brought at once face to face with the facts of real being, face to face with the primal cause of all reality, presented with statements of absolute Truth relating thereto. In other words, those who enter upon the study of Christian Science begin to learn the truth about divine Principle, which is at once the circumference and the center of being.”
In Miscellaneous Writings (22:28-32) we find:
“A falling apple suggested to Newton more than the simple fact cognized by the senses, to which it seemed to fall by reason of its own ponderosity; but the primal cause, or Mind-force, invisible to material sense, lay concealed in the treasure-troves of Science.” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy)
Let all things now living
A song of thanksgiving
To God our creator triumphantly raise;
Who fashioned and made us,
Protected and stayed us,
By guiding us forward throughout all our days.
God’s angels are o’er us,
Pure light goes before us,
A pillar of fire shining forth in the night:
Till shadows have vanished,
All fearfulness banished,
As forward we travel from light into Light.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 520:1)
Kenneth Foster, CS