“No power apart from God”
In this week’s Bible Lesson, “God the Only Cause and Creator,” we are reminded by Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “There is no power apart from God. Omnipotence has all-power, and to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God.” (p. 228:25-27)
On this topic, John J. Selover writes in the Sentinel article “There Is No Power Apart from God” (July 4, 1959) the following:
“When one is faced with a discordant condition in his life, he is not involved with something that is real. He is faced with a false belief only. The line of battle between Truth and error is not drawn between two real powers, God, good, and evil, for error and its advocates have no actual power. Rather is the line drawn between Truth, which is all-powerful, and error, which is merely a belief in a power apart from God.”
All power is given unto our Lord,
On Him we place reliance;
With truth from out His sacred word
We bid our foes defiance.
With Him we shall prevail,
Whatever may assail;
He is our shield and tower,
Almighty is His power;
His kingdom is forever.
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 10:1)
Kenneth Foster, CS