“The promises will be fulfilled”
Yesterday’s “Thanksgiving” Bible Lesson, section 3, says, “The promises will be fulfilled,” from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p.55:21-22). Let’s look at some additional places where we learn about the fulfillment of promises.
Barbara Juergens Fox writes in “Promises fulfilled” (Sentinel March 3, 1980):
“When we follow Jesus' example, we don't just cross our fingers and hope for a miracle. We turn to God, our Father and Jesus' Father, the true and only source of our life. We work out solutions to problems, using the rules of divine Science. Skepticism and outright attack cannot deter what was predicted and promised by Christ Jesus. Mrs. Eddy says flatly, ‘The promises will be fulfilled.’”
A poem by Eleanor G.R. Young, also published in Sentinel (August 15, 1931) further muses on the topic, and following is the first stanza:
“This is the song that gladdens all my day—
The promises will surely be fulfilled:
Think of the joy that echoes through those words!
Hope is awakened, every fear is stilled.
The faithful messengers of long ago
Spoke not in vain their healing words of cheer
Down the long years, to heal the heart's deep woe.
The ringing promises grow richly dear.”
Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, “God’s promise has been fulfilled to me, ‘But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.’ (p. 617:16–18) and also writes, “The promise of Christ Jesus, ‘the truth shall make you free,’ was fulfilled, and the past six years of health and harmony have been spent in striving to ‘hold fast that which is good.’” (p. 635:1)
In Message to The Mother Church for 1902, Mrs Eddy remarked, “Every condition implied by the great Master, every promise fulfilled, was loving and spiritual, urging a state of consciousness that leaves the minor tones of so-called material life and abides in Christlikeness. (p. 9:14)
In Miscellany (201:2) Mrs. Eddy encourages us to, “Press on towards the high calling whereunto divine Love has called us and is fast fulfilling the promises.”
Lo! as we follow after good,
We find God’s word is understood,
So we prove Him,
Praise and prove Him!
Through us He does perform His will,
To us His promises fulfil,
For we love Him!
Praise and love Him!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 526:1)
Kenneth Foster, CS