Moral Freedom
In section 3 of this week’s Bible Lesson on “Soul and Body,” we read from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures that “There is moral freedom in Soul.” (p. 58:12) What does this mean?
In the November 5, 1966 Sentinel, Helen Wood Bauman states in her article “Moral Freedom” that “Moral freedom is the freedom to do what is right, to prove God's government of one's life, and to show respect for the rights of others. To maintain or to attain moral freedom, morality must be understood; and so must immorality.”
Further, we read in Kathy Chicoine’s article from the July 3, 2017 Sentinel article “To be made free—morally and physically” the following:
“Moral freedom is undoubtedly our right as God’s spiritual ideas. After all, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, which are given to us as moral laws. They are a guide to living in accord with the divine right here in the human experience. These laws, when obeyed, are intended to protect our humanity and honesty, and uphold order among mankind. The spiritual integrity we express in keeping them is not to appease Deity; it is inherent in our nature—a declaration of our obedience to Him, and in turn a protection to us. This obedience proves that morality is our natural right, not just words in a book!”
From the Christian Science Hymnal, we also find inspiration regarding our freedom in God:
Freedom from sin and a peace so enduring,
Your constant presence to cheer and to guide.
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Such are the blessings Your wonders provide.
I love Your way of freedom, Lord,
To serve You is my choice;
In Your clear light of Truth I rise
And, listening for Your voice,
I hear Your promise old and new,
That bids all fear to cease:
“My presence still shall go with you
And I will give you peace.”
Kenneth Foster, CS